June 12 | Argentina

As we’re nearing the end of Around the World in Quarantine, I really wanted to make sure I was giving South America the love it deserved. The process to choose this location was fun because I was able to use my Ultimate Travel List book from my dear friend Megha to help me determine where we were traveling to. I began with three South American countries from the book (Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador) and narrowed it down from there based on my research of their cuisine. Join us as we explore Argentina!

Color Scheme: Pink and Blue



First Course: Argentine Chimichurri Bread, Chimichurri Sauce, Provoleta, Berenjenas al Escabeche and Beef Empanadas

When I brought out everything for the first course, Donnell said “Is this just the first course?”. Sometimes he says I cook too much, but that’s how my nanny taught me! In the country, we always have extra because you never know who might stop by. Now, where to start? Let’s begin with the Argentine Chimichurri Bread. I kept the recipe as is, but I did have to alter the cooking method from the recipe. I cooked the bread in the oven at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. It turned out great. The garlic, rosemary and red pepper flakes really stood out in the bread. Next, we had the chimichurri sauce. Donnell LOVED it. It was so flavorful and could be added to nearly everything. Then, we had my favorite, Provoleta. As a cheese lover, this made my eyes lit up when I found this recipe, and it didn’t disappoint. The oregano, olive oil and red pepper flakes really complemented the provolone cheese. Absolutely delicious! Continuing around the top of the plate, we had the Berenjenas al Escabeche (Pickled Eggplant). It was another hit and paired really well with the bread. Finally, we had the beef empanadas. As many of you know, we’re pescatarians, so I used a plant-based substitute for the beef. I put the empanadas in my Ninja Foodi 6-in-1 Air Fryer instead of frying them in oil. They came out so good and very crispy!

Second Course: Pastel de Papas

While researching Argentina, I realized very quickly how much they love their meat. At first, I was a bit discouraged that I wouldn’t be able to complete the meal. Luckily, I enjoy a challenge, and soon my discouragement turned to determination. I was able to find the pastel de papas recipe, and I was intrigued. This dish is known as an Argentinean shepherd’s pie. For some reason, it reminded me of mince and tatties from Scotland. However, it had its differences.

To make this recipe, you layer mashed potatoes with a beef mixture, eggs, and mozzarella cheese. It was like a mashed potato filled with layers of meat and cheese with more cheese on top. If you like those three things, you would love this. I was very hearty with great flavor.

Third Course: Helado de Dulce de Leche and Alfajores

As a gelato lover, I was excited to see Argentina had its beloved helado. I was even more excited because I had recently thrifted an ice cream maker at the thrift shop for $1, and this was the perfect opportunity for me to try it out. It worked perfectly and made the most delicious helado! I added homemade dulce de leche at the end, and it was perfect.

To finish off the final course, I made alfajores. These soft cookies were sweet with a tinge of lemon zest for tang and filled with dulce de leche. They were absolutely delicious. I couldn’t stop eating them! Often, alfajores are dusted in coconut, but I couldn’t find mine to add that final step. Nonetheless, these were absolutely perfect.

Beverages: Tincho and Malbec

We started dinner with a Tincho, the combination of New Age wine and lime juice. It was very refreshing, but I preferred the wine without the lime juice. It was sweet with a light effervescence.

We couldn’t finish dinner without a glass of Malbec. However, it was only for the experience because Malbec isn’t my favorite and Donnell doesn’t really like wine.

Final Reflection:

Overall, it was a hit! Donnell said Argentina was his favorite. I don’t know if it was my favorite, but it was definitely one of my top five. Everything was amazing!

It’s hard to believe we only have one more ATWIQ and then the finale. Excited to share with you our upcoming travels. Stay tuned!

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